By 230338
United Kingdom
My favorite Fuchsia,s leaves are going yellow. What can i do?
11 May, 2011
You have told me you're not sure if its hardy, and its in a window box facing east. How long have you had this fuchsia? And is the compost in the box new this year, or have you reused it from previous/last year?
Reply beneath, as if you're answering your question.
13 May, 2011
fuchsia sarah eliza basket trailer. In new arthur bowers soil. still showing yellow leaves. Thankyou
16 May, 2011
I'm wondering if its got black spot - this can cause the leaves to yellow, but you'd see black spotting as well. I take it you mean Bowyer's multi purpose POTTING compost, not soil conditioning compost? And are you keeping it well watered, even if its raining - rain doesn't get into baskets.
17 May, 2011
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What kind of fuchsia, hardy or tender? And where's it growing?
12 May, 2011