By Owdboggy
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Ok, save me some effort. I have the most appalling weed Geum. Typical Geum leaves, typical yellow Geum flower. except that it is only 1/2 cm across. Tiny thing. The plant itself is about 30 to 40 cms tall. No problem except that it produces seed totally out of proportion to the flower size and gets everywhere. I filled 4 compost sacks with it yesterday.
Anyone put a name to it for me?
12 May, 2011
Hi there,
I've know idear what the proper name is but I call it
"oh my gawd, there's more of the blinkin stuff"
It's exactly as you described, tiny flower on long stems.
I made the mistake of leaving some in last year, I've not seen it before, I am regretting that now !!!!
Happy geum busting.
12 May, 2011
Wood avens - we have it! Hooky seeds get everywhere.
12 May, 2011
Yes, right pain in the proverbial, I spend hours digging it out every year all over the place, always assumed it was some kind of wild Geum because the leaves are very similar, especially when young.
12 May, 2011
It is one of our natives, guem urbanum as already stated. save time in id-ing it but not in digging it out!
only 'short cut' is weedkiller but hardly worth the effort.
12 May, 2011
Cannot say that I have ever smelled the roots, but they are supposed to smell of cloves. The Romans used it as a substitute for quinine and it is supposed to repel witches.
Thanks folks!
12 May, 2011
*That's* why there are no witches in my garden! :-)
Pity it doesn't work on squirrels or rabbits.
12 May, 2011
It's the witches that keep the squirrels and rabbits away! You get one or the other.
12 May, 2011
Well that explains a lot!!
12 May, 2011
Just been told that there are some plants of this down the lane from us. Now did they come from this garden or vice versa? First time we have seen them on the roadside so I fear the worst.
12 May, 2011
Previous question
« I've inherited this plant, is it an azalea? or rhododendron? It's in partial...
Anything for you, Ob ;-) The only thing that I can think of is Geum urbanum or Herb Bennet. Does this equate?
12 May, 2011