Lily of the valley
By Gwendas
United Kingdom
Would like to grow this as have shady areas in the garden that I hope they would like? Can I get hold of plants at this time of year or when is best time?
25 Oct, 2008
I bought mine on eBay (shock, horror) a couple of years ago in winter. I think it was in December or January. They took no problem and from the first year flowered.
25 Oct, 2008
I got some from the plant stall of the local school!!!! I also got more from a friend in the village and they do seem to be happy under a tree. It seems to be better to plant them 'in the green', as they take more easily.
25 Oct, 2008
Thanks everyone! A bit like snowdrops then? My MUm always said something about 'in the green' about them - I just wasn't taking much notice then as wasn't into gardening!
I shall look out for them in the spring. Want to plant them in shady conditions near a tree as you suggested Spritz. Looked in all my books but knew I'd find the answer on GOY!
26 Oct, 2008
You are probably more likely to find them for sale in the spring when they are in flower. They can be tricky to establish - give them ideal conditions and they will sulk for no apparent reason but once they are happy, there will be stopping them.
The other alternative is to find someone who has too much of it and beg a piece (known as a 'pip') from them
25 Oct, 2008