By Ale
United Kingdom
I cut back my eucalyptus trees at the end of last summer and I have about 8 of them in a row, they are about 6 years old and all the leaves are now brown, there are new shoots at the very bottom of the trunks, should I cut them right back or if I leave them will they grow back, they are about 10 foot tall
14 May, 2011
To Noseypotter Thank you for your reply. I think the same. Do you think I should remove the shoots at the bottom to perhaps encourage growth further up or not, please let me know what you think.
16 May, 2011
no dont do anything yet as if the tops are dead you will have nothing .your more than welcome bye the way .
17 May, 2011
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i would be inclined to leavethem a bit longer beforeyou cut them back just to see if they throw any shoots further up later on or next spring perhaps .
15 May, 2011