By Marge14
I have a Clematis that was given to me a few years ago. It has been beautiful every spring except for this year. No signs of buds or leaves. I noticed it is coming from the roots again so have pruned it right back and will wait and see what happens. I do not know the name of it as I didn't purchase it. I only know that it is a beautiful purple color with large blooms. Does anyone have any ideas about this?
14 May, 2011
'The President' is one large purple Clematis. If its sprouting it should be ok? Did you do/notice anything different last year? Did you give it a good feed this spring after you pruned it? That and protect the base from harsh sunlight.
15 May, 2011
It is unlikely to flower this year though, as Spring flowering ones usually flower on the old stems.
15 May, 2011
I agree it will not flower this year if its a spring flowerer but there should be signs of regrowth.
16 May, 2011
i would say the frost and cold weather we had would be the problem but i think you have done the right thing . i know a friend lost or nearly lostr a 15 foot indian been treeas there was a frost about aweek ago at just about the time it was starting to open its leaves . just bad timing and i believe that could be the same for a lot of people this year .
15 May, 2011