By Patgreen5
United Kingdom
I have a large winter flowering Honeysuckle in my garden which has taken over a border. (7 ft high by 5ft wide approx). It is lovely in the winter but rather boring the rest of the year. Could I prune it right back to about 2/3ft from the ground? If so when would I do this?
15 May, 2011
The worst you can do with this shrub is lose one year's flowers. Cut it back asap this year and follow Derek's advice for future years.
For summer interest, you could plant a small, late-flowering clematis to climb into the shrub; this can be hard pruned in early spring
15 May, 2011
Both winter flowering honeysuckle and winter flowering jasmine, {lonicera fragrantissima & jasminum nudiflorum} can be pruned after flowering, take out the old wood first, and then shorten the newer growth,the latter can be pruned back to within 2 or 3 " of the base
regards Derek
15 May, 2011