By Phizzyb
United Kingdom
Hi There,
Looking for some advice/ideas.....
I have just spent 6 weeks doing up the garden and its looking pretty good now (before and after photos attached for interest) I can do all the handy work but have zero idea when it comes to plants!! I have built the sleeper planter you can see in the picture, and would like some advice on what to plant in it! I would like some height in it, say 6 foot or so, to give some privacy to the rear of the garden from the path entering the garden, and mayb some quite leafy?? plants (thats about the extent of my gardening knowedge). The planter is about 1 meter square.
Any ideas welcomed...

15 May, 2011
I too can only go wow! That is an amazing change well done. I think it would have taken Bulba and I rather more than 6 week to achieve.
I would agree on one feature tree or shrub though not necessarily a conifer and underplant with small bulbs, ivy, vinca and other plants than can trail over the sides of the raised bed. Interestingly the Telegraph has done a piece on best trees for all round interest in your garden. Copy and paste the link below into your web browser:
If you went the Acer route you could plant cyclamen both coum and hederifolium and give the ivy and vinca a miss.
15 May, 2011
That's incredible PhizzyB! The first photo shows a real "heart-sink" scene - the transformation in just marvellous. You've obviously worked your socks off. I love the little bridge over the "stream". Are you going to add a path or stepping stones to the dais at the end? Otherwise a path will get worn in the grass.
I agree that at 1 metre square, the planter's not huge, but I'd put in an evergreen such as Choisya ternata. As your idea is to restrict the view of the end of the garden I feel you need an evergreen. Choisya has the benefit of scented flowers in late spring and can be pruned if it's getting too large, but it doesn't go crazy.
That would work as a background shrub - I'd put it in the far left corner, but I'd also pick something deciduous to add variety through the year. How about a slow growing Japanese Acer, or a small group of patio roses (only pick one variety), or a prostrate rosemary to drape itself over the edge of the planter and smell lovely as you pass it.
I endorse MG's suggestion about mixed hardy Cyclamen - they're lovely. If you plant them on this side of the planter you'll be able to see them from the house, even when it's too nasty to go out.
15 May, 2011
Wow thats a great makeover well done you. Do look at Acers - Acer palmatum dissectum garnet would compliment the sleeper colour or a Spirea - Bridal wreath would be Dramatic. Take your time and do keep us updated.
15 May, 2011
Well Done You :o))
16 May, 2011
Previous question
« I grew some chilli peppers last year & managed to keep one of the plants. But...
Wow, what a difference Rob, that looks really good now, well done. Your design has a very modernistic style to it so I would suggest keeping the planting simple, even just one plant. That plant could be a conifer and these can be bushy or very narrow and columnar.
15 May, 2011