By Pam24
United Kingdom
My friend at work has a Magnolia which has grown too big, its about 20+ years old and is taking over the border it is in. She is reluctant to prune it as she doesn't want to kill it on one hand or spoil it's shape!
Can she prune it, when and how, advice would be appreciated!
16 May, 2011
I shall ask her tomorrow - thanks :)
16 May, 2011
17 May, 2011
Cut back a bit and remove dead wood after flowering, or in late summer. For more serious pruning, should be done in spring (should only be done on mature plants, but obviously, this one is mature).
18 May, 2011
So the spring prune would be after it has flowered? Sorry, just to be absolutely clear. :)
18 May, 2011
I was hoping you wouldn't ask me that, because its not clear to me either - that's just what the book says, so I'm not at all sure whether they're suggesting you sacrifice a year's flowers and prune early in spring, or whether you wait till after its finished flowering.
18 May, 2011
Thanks for your help Bamboo, I shall relay the info to her and then she can decide! I think prob after its flowered which is what you would do with any other shrub or small tree?? Apparently its so big something will have to be done!!! Ha ha!
18 May, 2011
Which variety of Magnolia is it? Evergreen or deciduous at least, if she doesn't know.
16 May, 2011