By Kev_rowley
east staffordshire,
United Kingdom
how easy is the bird of paradise plant to over winter,and how big do they grow?
16 May, 2011
if this is the way to say ta,[new to this game] thanks bamboo. hope it will cope with low light levels in the kitchen
16 May, 2011
You need to give it lots of light. Full sun if possible. When I got my first one, it was in semi-shade and didn't do much. But after it got moved into the sun, it started flowering.
16 May, 2011
to Wylieinthea.. thanks all info very helpfull,patio gets full strength sun untill late afternoon,it was the light levels required for its winterperiod as i`m led to believe the plant rests during this time?
16 May, 2011
I think you'll find that even in winter it needs good light. Plants tend not to like being in kitchens due to the steam and changes of temperature.
17 May, 2011
Needs as much light as possible, though not sunlight necessarily in winter, but should be put in the lightest possible spot over winter.
17 May, 2011
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« hi everyone i'v just been giving a box of mixed annuals .Is it to late to...
Houseplant in this country, can be stood outside between beginning of June and mid to end of August. Needs a largeish pot eventually, about 10 inch at least, and needs to get to about 3 feet or more before it flowers.
16 May, 2011