By Titchy
United Kingdom
I need to move my Ceanothus to an other location in my terraced garden, as it's going to grow too high for that particular tier. It's the the one with the small flowers, not quite sure what it's called, Canadian lilac? Someone told me I should be doing it as soon as it stops flowering, is this correct? Any other advise, I really don't want to loose it. Thanks already
16 May, 2011
Not easy to move unless it is still fairly small. Good luck.
16 May, 2011
Thank you Adoons and Vincent, yes it is still pretty small, and yes will use tons of water, hope we get some rain soon
17 May, 2011
They do root easily from cuttings in my experience so just in case take some cuttings and if all goes well you can pass them on to friends.
17 May, 2011
Of course, Scotsgran, should have thought of that myself, thanks for reminding me!
17 May, 2011
If the cuttings take i would love to have one. My ceanothus Autumn Glory is just hanging on by the skin of its teeth after our harsh winter.
17 May, 2011
Hi again Scotsgran, by all means I'll let you have a cutting if...., I don't even know which one it is, thought it was the Victoria, but it sais flowers early summer, are we in early summer? Still waiting for a "good" drop of rain. I have seen the same ones in other gardens so obviously it's an early flowering one, but which one, I just get confused reading about the various plants, so if you know which one it could be, Please let me know. Thanks
17 May, 2011
Sorry mine is Autumnal Blue. It is a 8-10' high shrub. It flowers late summer and early winter but it tends to be not too hardy. I also have Skylark. It flowers now. Many seem to suggest this and Victoria are one and the same but Victoria grows taller up to 20' whereas Skylark is said to be 6'. Strange things happen in the plant kingdom.
17 May, 2011
Just do it ASAP & water, water, water with lots of love.
16 May, 2011