By Anniep
United Kingdom
I have a conference pear tree - two years old. It was doing well until about three weeks ago. I had removed the flowers as was recommended. The leaves now look dead and the tree looks very sad. I am watering it. Any ideas what may be wrong? I had put some wood ash from the fire around the base about three months ago. I have an invincible tree nearby which is very healthy. someone it might be affected by nearby conifers?
Thank you
17 May, 2011
How much wood ashes, how close to the trunk?
18 May, 2011
Thank you both. I have been watering now and then during drought. I can't see any scabs or signs of pests etc. There was quite a lot of ash and very close to the trunk, i'm afraid. Could it be Fire Blight?
18 May, 2011
The root crown might have been burned by the ash. About the only thing that you can do about that is to put the hose next to the trunk, and let it trickle slowly for 6-8 hours. That might also help with drought damage, though that works better out under the outermost branches.
18 May, 2011
Are there any signs of pest/ desease, any signs of aphids, or pear scab, have you only just started watering it after this long dry spell, julien.
17 May, 2011