By Funguy
United Kingdom
Is it true that certain plants will produce more or bigger fruits if kept slightly pot-bound. I cant remember if i read this about Figs or Peaches. I think it was Figs.
I do, as it goes, have a pot planted fig and dwarf peach...Which are in the same pots from last year (12-13litre pots). I am yet to repot them (though they have definitely filled the pots).
Shall i or shall i not?
18 May, 2011
Root restriction will also cause a fruit tree to bear younger than it would in the ground, but not necessarily more or better. Restriction to the point of causing poor health, of course, would mean less fruit!
19 May, 2011
fig is said to fruit better if the roots are restricted to a degree - but if the pot isn't big enough, it won't grow properly either.
18 May, 2011