By Begoniamatt
United Kingdom
When & how should I store finished tulips and narcissus? (please)
18 May, 2011
Bulba and I just let the ones in the ground alone. Ones in clay pots are emptied out checked over and then repotted in fresh compost with the babies, if any, in a separate pot.
18 May, 2011
Thanks guys- I will bear that in mind....
10 Jun, 2011
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« When growing flowers from seed when should I prick out thetop leaves?
I am just about to pick over my tulip bulbs now they are dry. I will choose clean, good sized ones, and store them in a sprout net in the garden shed, hanging up. they don't always flower well. It's worth a go if you have the space for them. I will plant them in tight groups in the ground. New ones go in pots.
18 May, 2011