By Emilylouisa
United Kingdom
I have discovered a beautiful lime green geum growing in my garden, one parent must be Lady Stratheden which is next to it. If I get a few plants from it how do I get a nursery/grower to propogate them?
19 May, 2011
Blooms of Bressingham have a department for dealing with new plant discoveries. Might be worth getting in touch with them.
I also have contact with someone who is called "New plant guy" He works for one of these big companies. If you need to let me know and I can probably put you in touch with him.
19 May, 2011
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If you are just wanting a few more of the same for yourself then ask a local nurseryman to vegitatively (sp?) propagate it for you (alternatively a local specialist plant society). If you think that it could go big time on the market, Geum Emily, then you need to photograph it now and email this to as many nurseries as you can find on the web.
19 May, 2011