By Honeybean
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Begonia Double Yellow Question.
I have just been given half a dozen Begonia Double Yellow bulbs or tubers (not sure which). Anyway, the instructions were not very helpful.
I have placed them in clay pots 5cm down as instructed on packet. I don't actually know where to position them, should they be in sun until they grow shoots or should they be in shade?
I am not sure if they are shade or sun lovers once growing either. I am a bit confused as there seem to be Begonias that are for shade and some that like the sun.
Its the first time I have tried to grow Begonias so have no clue.
Any advice greatfully received!
19 May, 2011
Iv'e had good results in a west facing spot that's shaded in the morning and sunny in the afternoon.A neighbour gets fantastic displays in pots by an east facing wall. I start mine off sitting on top of the compost on the windowsill in the conservatory and plant them into tubs when they have got going well.
20 May, 2011
Previous question
mine are in pots in full sun Honeybean,while im waiting for shoots showing through,I just put them in the greenhouse, some are on the shelf and some on the floor.. Hope this helps :)
19 May, 2011