By Whirley1
United Kingdom
Can anyone advise me on my rose, it is a climber and was pruned quite hard in the Spring. Started growing well but now the new leaves are curled, no sign of mould or bugs on them, it looks more as though wind or frost has caught them. Any ideas please?
20 May, 2011
No, not unless the neighbour has used it but we have a privet hedge between the gardens - have noticed two of my other roses have the same, in different parts of the garden. Some of the leaves are ok & look really healthy & flower buds are forming.
22 May, 2011
Nope, if your neighbors weed killer was a problem, the privet would have shown it first. That leaves powdery mildew, aphids, and thrips as likely candidates, but the first two are pretty obvious, and thrips usually affect flowers the worst, on roses. Another, rarer possibility is a virus called rose rosette, aka witch's broom. That is bad news, because it is almost always fatal, quite contagious, and entirely incurable--really hope that's not it! If that's it, remove all affected bushes, and wash all of your pruning tools with a 10% chlorine bleach solution, so they won't contaminate the healthy remainder.
23 May, 2011
Any use of weed killers nearby, Whirley? Especially Weed and Feeds?
21 May, 2011