By Baz1122
United Kingdom
can acers be planted in an open aspect where it can be windy
21 May, 2011
you have to be careful with acers, if they are young then you will need to protect them from the wind due to wind scorch on the leaves, as i found with my one last year, but as they get older you can slowly introduce them into more windy situations as were.
21 May, 2011
Depends how windy it is. Our one exposed Acer is looking unhappy right now as we've had strong winds and can expect gusts up to 70 mph over the next 48 hours. Best to plant in a sheltered position in semi shade. Of course if you are in the drought zone of the south of England (please do amend your profile so we know which county you are in) Acers are not going to be happy at all.
21 May, 2011
ive been told acers arnt good with direct sun bye quit a few people and im sure thats generaly right thow mine are flourashing and get lots of sun .
21 May, 2011
Common, seed grown Japanese Maples are usually much tougher, hardier trees than the named varieties.
22 May, 2011
Depends to some extent on the variety of Acer - the japanese ones, such as Palmatum varieties, will not like exposed windy situations, whereas Acer griseum will tolerate that quite well.
22 May, 2011
yes and individuel plantswill do better than the next one thats the same because of there genetics . i have 3 different sorts including a verigated acer tree but im rubbish at latin names im afraid .
22 May, 2011
At least you're honest about it, Nosey, respect...
22 May, 2011
thank you bamboo i do try and be honest to the point of comming across ass hard faced or rude .some people cant handle the truthe x .
22 May, 2011
I don't remember you every being rude Nosey. Better to have plants with no Latin than Latin with no plants.
22 May, 2011
Latin names may have their uses, but blamed if they don't sound snooty, sometimes! : )
Unless my memory is deceiving me, Amur Maple (A. ginnala)--forgive me!--is one of the most wind tolerant small Maples, and might work as a substitute for Japanese Maple in some situations.
23 May, 2011
i totaly agree steragram the only trouble istheres so many subspecies you need to nameevery last veriation and its built on the first explorers that spoke latin but i cant remember or spell them but i get bye fine mostly thanx x .
23 May, 2011
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They're supposed not to like windy situations, but I have three that I planted 2 years ago when I didn't know that, and they're doing fine, so far. I bought some small seed grown saplings, not refined grafted, possibly more delicate (and expensive) specimens. I'll add a picture.
21 May, 2011