By Pammie
United Kingdom
I was looking for a patio tub Budleia , on a previously asked question..........and was told of its name
" BUZZ " .
I just bought a plant from my local garden centre Van Hague ..........and their they have one called " BLUE CHIP " just the same so I am " well chuffed " and have potted it up. Now I can lok forward to smell the scent of it as it grows and also the collection of butterflies it supposedly attracts .
Thankyou to my previous gardening friends that replyed ,it certainly helps extra info that we all give each other
22 May, 2011
I will have to show a pic of it when it matures. [That will be a while yet of course
Great to find a small Budleia , as normal size plant become massive if not pruned down every year
22 May, 2011
Interesting - blue chip appears to be what they call a patio buddleia, reaching only .6m, or 60 cm, high with a bit of a wider spread, whereas Buddleia Buzz reaches 90 to 120 cm.
22 May, 2011