United Kingdom
I have a very invasive plant growing on my allotment and I can't seem to get rid of it! It began life growing among the strawberries and does have many similarities, but is definitely not a strawberry. It never seems to flower but just sends out runners and colonises another part of the allotment when my back is turned. I have tried pulling it out and using a weedkiller, but it always comes back. It is now pretty much established over a large part of the allotment and I am fighting a losing battle. Any information you are able to give would be very much appreciated. Thank you for your help.
Janet Nicholls

22 May, 2011
It is cinquefoil...it has quite large roots which you have to dig up. You have to be careful not to chop the roots up though, because new plants come up from the smallest of pieces...
23 May, 2011
Thanks for the responses; I will try pulling it up again, but will have to set aside at good deal of time as there are so many plants to get out. Wish me luck!!
26 May, 2011
I think its called Cinquefoil, yellow flowers. I have them in my back lawn, you say you pull them out by hand, and tried weed killer. Can you move your strawberries after fruiting and try digging over and removing the roots. They called still flower and set seed though so pulling out by hand would probably the best way, laborious but satisfying.
22 May, 2011