By Andrea
United Kingdom
A question about cucumbers? I successfully germinated about 10 cucumbers and the seedlings are growing well with about 4 leaves and were looking very healthy. However one by one they are dying off! I have them outside in my greenhouse....any ideas?
22 May, 2011
Thanks for that...guess we will have to anchor everything down today with the high winds that are forecast!
23 May, 2011
Could be the Yorkshire air is too cold, I live in West Yorkshire and I have suffered the same fate, having to replant my cucumber seeds. keeping them inside on a warm windowsill as I don't have a green house seems to help, but they don't look brilliant. Funnily enough, my courgettes are doing really well and are out in the garden and some have flowers forming.
Sorry not much help
Granny B
22 May, 2011