By Bobangles
United Kingdom
Jer Artichokes planted in March Are 1 metre tall, should i harvest?
23 May, 2011
NP I think you are referring to globe artichokes. Jerusalem artichokes grow to a good 2 - 2.5 metres in height and the root is not harvested until winter time.
23 May, 2011
i was whats wrong with methats about 3 mistakes like that in so many days . im going insane lol x .sorry about that .
23 May, 2011
Nah not 'going' insane NP - lol :-)
23 May, 2011
Thanks Moon and Nosyxxx
24 May, 2011
your welcome not that i was much help lol xx .
24 May, 2011
they should be harvested before they flower so if you have big bulbas buds at the end idsay yes but i am know expert .
23 May, 2011