By 14sailor
United Kingdom
How can I best protect my tomatoes in the greenhouse from the sun? When would be the best time - now or wait until the Summer arrives?
23 May, 2011
You can buy a white 'wash' to paint on the glass or there is a special netting you can put up. Doubt you will need to do yet in Perthshire.
23 May, 2011
Hi there
I've got some agricultural fleece and made a tent shaped canopy inside my greenhouse.
Happy gardening.
23 May, 2011
You need to be careful you are only excluding some not all of the light. A tarp, cardboard and fleece will exclude too much. To be honest living in Moray B & I don't exclude light from the greenhouse we grow the tomatoes in.
23 May, 2011
can you put some tarp oversome of the green house or put some cardboard on the inside .
23 May, 2011