i planted 18 tomato plants and only 3 have come up it was frosty for the first week but after that 3 grew there small about 5cm high but i just wonder why 3 have come up and 1 havent
By Callumrush
United Kingdom
i planted 18 tomato plants and only 3 have come up it was frosty for the first week but after that 3 grew there small about 5cm high but i just wonder why 3 have come up and 15 havent
23 May, 2011
yes i do mean sowed and england,felixstowe and yes it was quite cold a week after i sowed them yes
24 May, 2011
Even in the south it is safer to sow the seed in a cool greenhouse and then plant out once the plants have been hardened off and are about 6 inches tall.
24 May, 2011
ok thank you in future i will do
24 May, 2011
Previous question
Do you mean you sowed tomato seed Callum and only three germinated? Where do you have these little seedlings and where are you in the country, it makes a big difference. If you sowed them outside and then had a frost your lucky any of them grew.
24 May, 2011