By Zola
United Kingdom
My hyderangea has been beautiful for years, but the last two years it has been nearly all leaf and only a couple of blooms, i prune it, so what do you think is wrong
24 May, 2011
As I asked before, when did you prune it?
24 May, 2011
As previous replies have said, are you pruning out the wood that carries the flowers? They should be cut back in spring when the new growth starts, cutting to the top shoot under each old flower. You can also cut out some of the old wood completely if it is getting congested or too sprawling. I also give a general feed and a mulch of garden compost at pruning time
24 May, 2011
Thanks for your comments, i did prune a bit harshly and i think from your answers i pruned at wrong time, can i get it back to its former glory or have i lost it
25 May, 2011
No you haven't lost it. Just bear in mind what Andrew said for next year. It will probably flower OK next year if you leave it alone for a season.
25 May, 2011
have you changed the way you prune it?
they flower on last years wood, so if you cut too far down you will lose the flowers.
24 May, 2011