By Oldcrock
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi what is the best way to rid my garden of pigeons
25 May, 2011
You could try getting a statue of an owl, or...somehow... making a big dark shadow of a bird of prey circling on your garden...doesn't have to be exact, just a big dark cross!...they hide from them!!
25 May, 2011
Hi Chickenlady, thanks for the reply are they classed as vermin
25 May, 2011
Hi Karenfrance, thank you for your reply I might try something like that or buy a .22
25 May, 2011
If you get the owl, move it twice a day, or they will perch on it! #@%^ rats with wings!
26 May, 2011
Hi Tugbrethil Thanks for your comment I do have an owl in my garden I will try it in different positions cheers
26 May, 2011
Hi there old crock,
I'm not sure you can get rid of them, Is it wood pigeons that are bothering you ? There are lots in this area, here are a few things I do to the wood pigeons that flock to my garden.
They tend to roost in a large silver birch tree in my garden, so at dusk, I sneak out and chuck one of the kids balls up into the foliage, this makes a loud rustle and startles them out of the tree hopefully to roost else where for the night. If I don't do this The grass under the branches were they sleep is splattered with droppings by the morning.
The bird table I use is too small for them to get into, and I don't put food on the lawn.
Last year a wood pigeon made it's nest behind our neighbours satellite dish, a few weeks ago it fancied building one behind ours, so every time I went outside I banged on the wall with a garden cane and after a few hours it got the message.
I net all my brassicas so they don't strip the whole lot !!!
Happy gardening
25 May, 2011