United Kingdom
how much watering do tomatoesneed
25 May, 2011
You can't possibly over water a tomato plant but you can very easily underwater it.
25 May, 2011
I've had cases of tomatoes splitting, is that uneven watering? I heard that you should ease off on the water once they are fruiting to get more flavour. But would you say just give them as much as you can even when fruiting?
25 May, 2011
Yes uneven watering will cause the fruit to split. I'd keep on watering, the fruits are all at different stages and need the water to keep growing.
25 May, 2011
I have one of these 'Big Drippa' irrigation kits watering my growbags. I fill the bag each night - about a 10L watering can - drip feeds 6 plants overnight. i find doing that means that the toms can take up the water whilst the greenhouse is cool and they might get more benefit rather than it evaporating. Every 2-3 days I fill it with dilute tom feed.
.... I don' tknow if that's right or wrong though ..... my toms seem happy enough with what they're getting though.
26 May, 2011
If it is working for you Donna then it is the right thing to do...
26 May, 2011
That's a lovely new glamorous pic MG!
I was catching up with Chelsea on the TV last night .... did you say you knew that 'Kevock' couple? Thrilled they got a medal on their first trip .... look forward to seeing their stand next week.
27 May, 2011
Yes David & Stella Rankin are friends of ours. They will also be at Gardening Scotland and this year the Scottish Rock Garden Club is doing a joint stand with them. So you may see Bulba and I on TV too! Pic. is thanks to a professional photo shoot :-)
27 May, 2011
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Provided there's good drainage, as much as you can give them, particularly once the fruits have appeared.
25 May, 2011