Shrub/Tree or Rose
United Kingdom
A friend died recently. We would like to buy a rose, shrub or tree. Is there any of these or something else called Helen
4 Nov, 2008
Going back in my memory, there is a vigorous chinese rose called Rosa Helenae.
It is still available, is 12ft. or more in height, has large leaves, five to nine leaflets, a red underside and dark green above.
It has a fragrant blush white flower in late June and July.
Hope this will help, sorry about your friend.
5 Nov, 2008
Hello Christine Peter Beals do a Helen Traubel which is a Golden Yellow Hybred Tea 1.5 mtrs with some scent.
Then there is a Helen Naude which is a Pink Hybred. If you go into google type in Helen Naude/ Roses and then click on Helen Naude Bare Root rose and the picture of the pink Hybred rose will appear. I do not know any shrubs or trees that might interest you. Good Luck
5 Nov, 2008
Hi Christine. There is a miniature rose called 'Helen' recently registered but I'm afraid I don't know if it is available yet.
There is also a daisy like perennial shrub, Helenium hoopesii, called 'Helen' which is very pretty but has the unfortunate nickname of 'sneezeweed', so I am not sure if that would be suitable.
I suggest you feed 'Helen plant' into google and have a browse.
5 Nov, 2008