By Smith
United Kingdom
Clematis Beauty of Worcester was planted last year - appeared to be doing well, new shoots and flowers forming. Suddenly, within a week has gone very limp with some new stems and leaves going brown and flower buds just wilting. Some leaves have black spots, but not all. There are 2 other Clematis close by which appear alright, should they be treated in any way? Is there anything we can do with the one that is affected?
28 May, 2011
Same question as before. Did it wilt from the top down or the bottom? It matters, Wilt starts at the bottom and works its way up the stems where as drought, damage to the stems starts at the top and goes down.
28 May, 2011
Sounds like Clematis wilt cut the affected stems right back to the ground and watch the other two like a hawk.
28 May, 2011