By Richardjgm
United Kingdom
I have inherited a mature pyracantha, 3ft high/3ft long/ 2ft depth, planted close to kitchen wall, with drains near by. The hedge is doing really well on south facing patio. Previous owner was maybe thinking about deterring intruders. But is it a danger to my drains and foundations? I have received conflicting advice, to leave alone or remove for peace of mind. How dangerous are the roots to my house?
28 May, 2011
If its not serving any useful purpose and you're not particularly attached to it, I'd be inclined to take it out - they can form pretty big roots, and, as Annie says, the real worry is the presence of the drain and underground pipework. If its in a paved area, cut it right down and drill into the stump and treat with SBK. On the other hand, it's obviously been kept as a small hedge, so its root development will be much less because of that, so as long as you keep it trimmed, it'll probably be fine - clearly its been there a long time and hasn't yet caused a problem.
29 May, 2011
I've never heard of a pyracantha damaging drains. We had one growing on the downstairs toilet wall with no problems.
29 May, 2011
My thanks to Annie, Bamboo and Steragram. Its obviously a finely balanced matter, at present going slightly in favour of leaving it alone!
31 May, 2011
Previous question
I wouldn't expect a pyracantha to be a danger to foundations, they're often wall-trained on houses. If it's very close to a drain it might cause problems though.
28 May, 2011