The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Somerset, United Kingdom

Can anyone give me some advice about cucumber plants? I have them growing in the greenhouse but in growbag compost as I have had trouble before with wilting, which I believe is due to soil borne disease. The plants are very yellow though and look as though they need a feed. What should I use?



Tomato feed is ok, also if you go to the garden centre, then you can by organic seaweed which you can dilute, use this on a variety of veg, julien.

29 May, 2011


Hi there marshmallow,

I use Tom food too, I am growing cucs in large pots this year, as I have found grow bags dry out to quick, and also can be over watered. I shade my cucs to as they can scorch and the leaves become papery.

Good luck with them this year.

Happy gardening.

30 May, 2011


Thank you both. I'll give that a go. I always seem to have trouble with cucumbers. Last year red spider mite which I didn't identify soon enough.
They are fairly shaded and are in the greenhouse border so should not dry out IF I WATER THEM ENOUGH. Which i rarely do.

30 May, 2011

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