Moving an established rose
By Ams
Cambridgeshire UK,
United Kingdom
I recently moved a 10 year old rose, after digging down nearly 18" the tap root disappeared over to my neighbours side so I had to cut the tap root. Do you think my rose will survive as the previous occasion I cut a rose tap root the plant died.
7 Nov, 2008
I would be inclined to reduce the top growth by about 50% now and a further third next spring to counter the loss of root. Feed well in spring, make sure it doesn't go short of water next year and keep your fingers crossed. Good luck
7 Nov, 2008
Thank you Spritz and Andrew, I will be upset if it dies.
8 Nov, 2008
Uh-Oh. It doesn't sound too hopeful, does it? I will keep my fingers crossed for you - you can't really affect what it does until the spring, Ams, when you can feed it and mulch it to boost its vigour. I would cut it back a bit now, I think, to stop any wind rock, then prune it as normal in the spring.
7 Nov, 2008