My Birthday Plant
By Sweetpea21
United Kingdom
I got this plant for my Birthday, but I don't know what it's called. How often to water it and can it go outside?

5 Mar, 2008
Thanks Greenfingers
5 Mar, 2008
I(f you keep it indoors, keep it in your coolest room. Water it via a saucer underneath because getting the corm wet spells death! It does not like being too wet! Pull off any dead flowers from the corm, also any dead leaves. When it has finished flowering, you can stop watering, dry it out somewhere cool and then repot in new compost without covering the top of the corm and resume watering. I keep mine from year to year like this.
5 Mar, 2008
I have a patch of these naturalised in my lawn :-)
6 Mar, 2008
hate to throw a spanner in the works but there are two types of cyclamen, one that is quite large and stays indoors, the other is smaller and better off in the garden. you don't want to put it out if it is the indoor type as it will die, and like wize the outdoor variety needs to be outside and wont do to well in the house. how big are the flowers and how big are the leaves - this will tell ya which it is.
6 Mar, 2008
Hi. You have a cyclamen... give it a google.
9 Mar, 2008
This is a Cyclamen. I've had them in my garden for a couple of years. They make excellent house plants too. If you put it in the garden they don't mind a shady spot. They don like their leaves getting too wet, they like free draining locations. Mine seed themselves and don't need a lot of hard work to keep them in good condition.
5 Mar, 2008