How to lower my willow tree and keep it small.
United Kingdom
My willow tree is now too big for the corner of my garden.
It is about 140 cm high. Is it possible to prune it to make it lower without spoiling it? If it is not possible to prune it would it be possible to dig it up to give away? Are the roots quite deep? Thanks for your advice.
On plant
I don't know
7 Nov, 2008
Lorna. Sorry. I am confused 140 cm = 1.4 metres = rather less than 5 feet. Believe me I am not trying to be awkward,but have we got the right height? Also,as Spritz says, ' what type of willow? '
7 Nov, 2008
Hi Lorna, If the hieght is correct would imagine you have a pussy willow, shrip willow or flamingo tree, best time to cut back would be early spring, and you can cut back 2/3's of this years growth to just above heathy bud, just as it starts to shoot. but info is only correct if this is what you have. if it is one of the larger varieties of willow, such as a weeping willow, i don't think you are suposed to plant them without permission from your local council, as they can cause all sorts of problems if too close to paths, roads buildings etc.
7 Nov, 2008
Could be a Salix Bockii 4/5feet.
If it is too big for you, you could do as you suggested and give it away. The new owner can remove and replant.
7 Nov, 2008
Willows are often pollarded, which means cutting off all banches to a certain height and then repeated at intervals. You could try a version of this and decide the height you would like to keep it to. Google 'willow pollarding' and look at the Rutland water nature reserve pictures. Be brave!
10 Nov, 2008
Hi Lorna - if you don't know what sort of willow this is, then the best thing to do is to post a photo, then someone will be able to advise you on how to deal with it.
7 Nov, 2008