By Brutus333
United Kingdom
Coul`d somebody tell me if is OK to repot my Canary Island date palm, I have repoted already two months ago but I saw last night at the draineg hole a tiny bug like with lots of legs, after searching on net I found out it would be better to repot the plant but only concern if is OK to do after two months of repotting, the plant is young.Thansk
31 May, 2011
thanks for the answer, it is probably millipede and been thinking if I would leave the plant till october before I move it in the house for overwinter maybe would be OK but other concern is I taking my plant in over night cos "nice" people keep stolen from me my palms.I don`t mind the bug just afraid to be introduce in my flat.Thanks
1 Jun, 2011
Yep, millipedes are harmless, but no one needs another uninvited guest tickling their toes at night!
1 Jun, 2011
I take it the sites you saw recommended repotting on the strength of the kind of bug? What kind of bug is it? Only a very few kinds are harmful. If it is a harmful kind, such as vine weevil, you can repot it now, but remove 1/3 to 1/2 of the older leaves to keep it from going into shock, since you will probably have to washg off all the soil, which is like major surgery for a plant! Still, better now than later in the year.
1 Jun, 2011