By Anitamay777
North Humberside,
United Kingdom
Yellow leaved jasmine
I would like to take cutting from this plant, when and how do I do it please?

2 Jun, 2011
Yes I would like to try, can you tell me how to do it please?
2 Jun, 2011
Anita, I am sending you a private message as there is quite a lot to explain, it should be with you soon.
2 Jun, 2011
Can I ask you both what particular Jasmine this is - I know it is yellow leaved but the leaves look exactly like my Jasmine Officinale...only my leaves are green...
Kind Rgds
3 Jun, 2011
Anita, you may have more success with layering, either with shoots near the ground or with aerial layers. If you wish to go with this method we can give you more help.
2 Jun, 2011