By Clairej2506
United Kingdom
So over the past few months i've been working on the garden at my work place, it was so overgrown with brambles on the graveled area, i hacked everything back. Then one of the gentlemen tells me there's a lovely fuchsia against the back wall! 'Oh no' i thought, i had hacked and cleared everything that was there i honestly thought that was the end of it :( then i went away for a month, when i returned i was outside and saw it had come back, yay! The guy's up stairs said they wanted to deck the area now tho :( i didn't want to loose the poor thing again so made a snap decision to move it. At first i thought it was looking really wilty woo but i've come in this morning and over night it seems to have perked up no end! Have i moved into the right spot tho and dose anyone know what type it could be?
Asked from the GoYpedia
fuchsias page

3 Jun, 2011
I agree its much to close to the wall and looks very dry this plant needs water water and more water.
3 Jun, 2011
okie dokie folks thanks!
3 Jun, 2011
i just wanted to let you know i moved lady fuschia further away from the wall, when i came back after the weekend just after i moved her a one of the stems had broken off : (
Fear not tho because i had a look through other peoples questions and took the advice for taking cuttings, the broken stem is growing roots slowly but surely in a glass on the windowsill and the main plant seems to be doing well in her new home!
Thanks again for your help. xx
22 Jun, 2011
Good news about the cutting Claire! Fuchsias do root pretty easily, so soon you should have two matching plants.
22 Jun, 2011
Thats good to hear
22 Jun, 2011
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It's rather close to the wall. If you've got a choice, put it a foot or more away from the wall so that it's not so dry. There's no way of knowing what sort it is til it flowers, presumably a hardy variety as it's survived on its own without protection all this time.
The leaves are too large to be a F. magellanica, Mrs Popple is a possibility. Keep it watered while it re-establishes & it should be lovely.
3 Jun, 2011