By Kate40club
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
I have never grown sweet peas before but they are doing really well...thick and you have to pinch out or just leave them to do their thing.Thankyou.
4 Jun, 2011
where about do I pinch out from? thankyou.
4 Jun, 2011
normally pinch out at about 4 pairs of leaves, [that is the main growing tip] but if yours have more it`s no great problem,as the pinching is to promote more side shoots. hence more flowers,be sure to dead head regularly to keep flowering too.i have found in the past, if they get too dry they will bolt to seed easily too
4 Jun, 2011
thanks for that :)
4 Jun, 2011
I do this to Kate and I also remove most of the curly tendrils as they appear as I find they strangle the flowers.
4 Jun, 2011
Ok I will do...thanks :)
4 Jun, 2011
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« hi ,planted forget me nots in my borders they have just flowered and now have died...
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Welcome Kate sweetpeas are so easy to grow and give a lot of pleasure when in bloom.
I do pinch mine out and tie them in to cane as well.
4 Jun, 2011