By Suelinn
United Kingdom
I have a couple of problems:
1) A salix caprea 'Kilmarnock' (I only know that cos the label is in front of me!) in a large pot. It survived the awful winter but the lovely new leaves are gradualy turning yellow and now beginning to drop. Not enough water? Too much water? Needs feeding? If so with what? It's a lovely little tree and I'd hate to lose it.
2) I only have a small yard but I do encourage birds with feeders. However, they're messy little blighters and any pot within three feet has a lawn growing in it. I have to clean up, sweep and weed virtually every day. I love the little dears, but there's a limit.........! They're not so bad with bread, but is this good for them?
4 Jun, 2011
The bread thing is complicated - its not great at this time of year because there's a risk birds will feed it to their young, and its not a great meal for young birds. RSPB advice at this time of year is to use fresh mealworms in particular.
As for your Willow, how long has it been in the same pot? If its a while, its likely its rootbound, which means there's not enough compost to root ratio and it can't hold onto water or nutrients.
4 Jun, 2011
If you feed sunflower seeds DO buy the sunflower HEARTS.
These are the ones that have had their husks removed so you don't get the mess from the discarded husks all over the floor - you will also find that more of the birds come to the feeders because these are the caviar of sunflower seeds !!! Expensive but worth it.
4 Jun, 2011
Thankyou for your most helpful replies - will definitely wet the crumbs before putting out. Not sure if willow is potbound - been in the same pot for about three years and have added some new compost this spring as well as feed, but to be on the safe side will transfer to larger one.
6 Jun, 2011
Previous question
I always wet the bread in a bowl first before I put it out.
Yesterday a magpie picked up a piece from the lawn, flew with it to my birdbath, dunked it in , let it soak for a moment or two and then ate it.
I have seen magpies do this a few times this year.
They don't recommend bread but I think wetted seeded bread especially is just fine.
4 Jun, 2011