West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
How can I move rose bushes now?
4 Jun, 2011
If you absolutely have to, prune them heavily just before digging them up--the object is to remove 1/3-1/2 of the foliage--get as large a rootball as you can manage, keep the rootball together as you transport it, water deeply right after replanting, use a strong root stimulator, and water frequently for the rest of the summer. If the soil falls off the root ball, go ahead and remove all the leaves--it can recover better from defoliation than it can from dessication.
5 Jun, 2011
I'm moving home and don't want to leave my babes behind. I,ll wait as long as I can.
Your excellent advice will be followed to the letter.
Thank you so much.
5 Jun, 2011
Be sure that the new owner knows that those bushes aren't part of the sale!
5 Jun, 2011
I wondered if there was a reason you needed to move them now - but Tugbrethil's right, if you're selling, they're part of the deal unless specifically excluded. If you're renting, fine...
5 Jun, 2011
I hadn't thought of that! Don't think new people are gardeners, I'd bet in a year the whole place will be bricked over.
Thanks for the advice will sort it.
5 Jun, 2011
If they'd been in pots already, you can take those away, but anything planted is considered part of the property.
5 Jun, 2011
Previous question
Same way you'd move them any other time of year - but I wouldn't advise it. You haven't said how long they've been in, and most roses put down very deep roots which are impossible to extract intact at any time of year - midsummer is possibly the worst time to move any plant at all.
4 Jun, 2011