Ideas for a red theme...
United States
I am planting RED in my yard for all seasons: candle flower, red azaleas, red maples, red boston ivy, dynamite crape myrtle, red rocket crape myrtle, japanese red maple, burning bush...Now I need some flowers...I'm thinking hanging pots would be really pretty...with something long and weeping-like with red blooms...any ideas? Also, I need some flowers that will grow in full shade under a tree, that will keep coming back year after year...I don't have the time for flowers that require a lot of attention...any ideas?
14 Nov, 2008
Hello Cantdo,
tho it sounds as if you can! The bright red camellia we inherited when we moved in hasn't been complicated so far, and beautiful when flowering.
What about gladioli?
For hanging pots/baskets - red petunias?
There are also some nice red geums, Mrs Bradshaw(e) or something similar, though I've been less successful with them. The schizostylus I have is dark pink/red... I wish you lots of joy in yr red garden, it's my fave colour. Oh, and a good hardy fuchsia, they are definitely easy to please. I'm afraid I don't have a name, but ask Blodyn (Hywel).
Have fun!
15 Nov, 2008
For your hanging baskets, there's Amaranthus caudatus (Love lies bleeding). The flowers are like tassels and would certainly trail with your red petunias!
Annual red Poppies as well as perennial oriental ones would be VERY red! Then there's Crocosmia 'Lucifer' and Kniphofia (red hot pokers), Lychnis chalcedonica, and Lobelia cardinalis.
There's an Anemone which is red, Anemone x fulgens. You can get red Penstemons, too - P. 'Chester Scarlet' and P.'Garnet' , which is very reliable.
Have you thought about red Clematis? C. viticella 'Mme Julia Correvon' is red and flowers in the summer.
You say you want red in all seasons, so how about red berried shrubs too? Pyracantha, Viburnum x burkwoodii and Cotoneaster are three that come to mind. The Cotoneaster gets red leaves in autumn, too.
For deep shade, it is a difficult one and I am stuck!
15 Nov, 2008
Hmmm...I have researched all of your suggestions...and I have some interest in the "Tom Thumb" Cotoneaster,Red Rose of Sharon, and Pyracantha for winter interest, and Red Petunia Cascadia for hanging baskets (since they will last through the summer with little care). I also like Red Cannas, and Red Twinkle Tiger Lily.
Can anyone refer me to a cultivar who will give me my money's worth with any of these particular plants? I live in southern US and sometimes finding a good nursry here who can provide strong plants can be a challenge...
17 Nov, 2008
Sorry, Can't help with the Nursery, I'm in the UK!
Have you got any gardening neighbours who could recommend one?
17 Nov, 2008
hello...I have some small bright red Cyclamen which would be great for under the trees. Do not know the name, sorry - bought them at a store called The Range here in Southampton and they were reduced from £8.99 for 8 to £2.99! They are still flowering NOW! Hope this helps you. Hugs
14 Nov, 2008