By Marjoriemay
United Kingdom
Thank you very much for your prompt replies. I am even more confused now as it could be a wasp but it had an hairy body like a bee. If it is a wasp, and there must have been about 20 of them in a small area all making burrows in the soil, what has been eating my rose leaves and a couple of euonymus. I have put stuff down for slugs, caught quite a few very small black ones. I know I have vine weevils and put stuff down for them. Used all the usual bug sprays and still cannot discover what is doing this damage. Any advice would be appreciated.
5 Jun, 2011
Sorry Marjorie, I have just seen your original question. I see you have already discussed leaf cutter bees. We could see for certain if you post a photo.
5 Jun, 2011
Previous question
Marjorie, it could be leaf cutter bees taking large pieces of your leaves to make their nests.
5 Jun, 2011