By Mrrottie
United Kingdom
hi all can anyone help we have a really old coal scuttle which will make a lovely planter.its made of copper and brass does anyone know what we can use to clean it up we tried brasso cleaner but this was no good . i hope someone can come up with somthing better as it would look really nice all shiney!
5 Jun, 2011
Unless its been laquered? I think you will find Brasso will do it if you do it this way. Its the friction/heat that cleans the brass so apply a very small amount and rub really well the less Brasso you use the better.
5 Jun, 2011
thanks guys for your advice i will try them all and see what happens and let you know how i get on:)))
5 Jun, 2011
I got this formula from enameling on copper:
soak a rag in white vinegar, and sprinkle it with salt just before rubbing the rag on the metal. Re-salt as needed. This may leave the brass looking pinkish, but it should return to its normal yellow with handling.
5 Jun, 2011
If it has actually gone black rather than just dull you can use a very fine grade steel wool on it. I cleaned a pair of tympani that way very satisfactorily - the finest grade doesn't seem to scratch the metal. Only try this if the other methods fail though.
5 Jun, 2011
hi i found brown sauce works or coca cola .vinegar.why not try a bit of each depends how bad it is but be patient im sure it will be ok.good luck.
5 Jun, 2011