By Cillaone
United Kingdom
i have bought a morello cherry tree i have planted it when it said to do so but i have no blossom or leaves on my tree but the bark is still nice and green. is there any thing else i can do
6 Jun, 2011
You haven't said exactly when you planted the tree, nor if its in the ground or in a pot. It also would be useful to know where you are in the UK - the south in particular has been suffering from drought with no rainfall. Assuming its in the ground and you planted fairly recently, new trees need a minimum of 2 gallons of water a week during summer in their first 2 years - this is not possible to achieve without watering it yourself. Once the tree is fully established after 2 years, then there's not such a great need for regular and sufficient water, although cherries generally are surface rooting, which means they're inclined to suffer more quickly in drought situations. If the tree hasn't been getting enough water, then producing leaves would be pointless, too much strain on its meagre resources while its clinging on to life.
6 Jun, 2011
when did you buy it and plant it? is it new in this year then you may have to wait till next season this is what happened to me. i had no blossom or fruit the first year in the ground but this year (its 2nd in the ground) i had lots of blossom in the spring and now the cherries are starting to turn red so may be a case of being patience. also make sure its in a sheltered sunny position because wind will make it drop all blossom hence no fruit. hope that helps
6 Jun, 2011