By Ahodgson
United Kingdom
What to do with Allium seed heads?
6 Jun, 2011
Mine snapped off at soil level -so I'v hung it up in the greenhouse to dry it out, never done this before so we shall see
6 Jun, 2011
In the past I've cut them at soil level, hung them upside down to dry and used them as decorations. But now I cut the heads off and throw them into the borders, let them roll around like tumbleweed and self seed wherever they like!
6 Jun, 2011
That's a good way to get healthy, vigorous new plants, but the bigger kinds will take 3-5 years to reach blooming size.
7 Jun, 2011
I leave them on as they still look good and I understand they look good with frost on too.
6 Jun, 2011