By Izzy123gym
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Ground cover Phlox and Aubretia....
Am I right in thinking that someone suggested a few weeks ago that it is benefical to trim back both of the above after flowering?
Is it alright to just take the shears to them? NOW the admission...that's what I've done...and THEN wondered if I had dreamt that advice! LOL.
7 Jun, 2011
Certainly with the aubretia, if you didn't shear it back, you'd get a stringy, straggly looking plant, so you've done the right thing.
7 Jun, 2011
Thank you both...and the Phlox? I may have confused that with some other advice!LOL.
7 Jun, 2011
Yes to both if you mean phlox subulata Izzy? I give all mine a great hair cut after flowering keep the tidy and they flower well, next year.
7 Jun, 2011
I just took the shears across them...hopefully I wasn't TOO harsh! LOL. A few inches off the top definitely came off...if not more!
8 Jun, 2011
Yes...Phlox subulata! Can I divide them now too, Drc726? I think I read that this is the time to divide them.
I'm growing Aubretia from the seed at the moment but they look very spindly and weak....any thoughts? Should they be pinched out?
Thanks again...:-))
8 Jun, 2011
My book says to take cuttings of Phlox subulata in June - suggests splitting the border perennials in autumn, but subulata is not included under that section. I'm surprised, if it was a big clump, I'd have dug it up and split it, though not now, but in autumn.
8 Jun, 2011
Yes, Bamboo....just checked that as well...division in June! it surprised me too...thought Autumn!
We're having one of those days of heavy showers, followed by sun...endlessly! I don't think it's going to be dry at all for more than a few minutes!
Should be grateful for the rain, I suppose!
8 Jun, 2011
Yes, don't knock it - its heavy showers and very windy here too, I can currently see a very black area heading this way in the sky... but I'm just grateful. Digging yesterday, discovered the soil is still like concrete 4 inches down anywhere not fully exposed.
8 Jun, 2011
Just had a huge thunderstorm here... now the sun is out again and this is June???
8 Jun, 2011
Yes, we're having spring weather - this is what we should have had in April, when it was effectively summer this year.
8 Jun, 2011
Poor plants haven't got a clue what they are supposed to be doing...
8 Jun, 2011
I have never had any success dividing PS late summer early autumn but I have when I divide after flowering in May.
8 Jun, 2011
I've obviously not been clear enough - my book says only divide the herbaceous perennials of Phlox, and it doesn't include this particular plant under herbaceous perennials, suggests taking cuttings instead, that's what puzzled me, not being able to split it at all.
8 Jun, 2011
2 of mine are big circles over 3ft across, so its easy to dig up make and make new ones, but they do need to get going before the bad weather or they seperate from the root.
8 Jun, 2011
OK....SO... shall I take a chance and try dividing? Each clump is about 15 " wide...and I thought of trying to increase them by dividing.
On the other hand, I am now wondering if the clumps should be allowed to grow bigger before doing so!
Otherwise, I have some more Phlox coming in September...'Clouds of perfume' I think...Phlox divaricata?
I used to be I am not so sure!
8 Jun, 2011
Lol Izzy
9 Jun, 2011
I would wait till they are bigger Izzy, I may have worded it wrong? As I divide not by lifting and chopping in 1/2 the whole plant, but by digging out a good sized piece of root from the sides while leaving the plant insitu. Clouds of perfume is very pretty.
9 Jun, 2011
Got you! Sometimes I read things so quickly, I totally misunderstand! will leave till bigger before attempting to lift any root!
While I've still got all your expert attention, can I ask something else please? :-))
My very young Aubretia is looking a bit weak and spindly...this is the second time I've tried growing them...and I'm wondering if I should remove them from individual cells and plant them all out in the garden! I did so last year...and eventually they took off!
What am I doing wrong?
9 Jun, 2011
I find Aubretia is best in the rough ground unless you have more soil than compost in a pot then it seems to be ok. It does need a good haircut after flowering to stop it getting untidy.
9 Jun, 2011
I don't think it will have done them any harm Izzy
7 Jun, 2011