old pond
By Gourmet59
west sussex,
United Kingdom
I have given myself a task of creating a very small garden area out of an old filed in fish pond, I would like some suggestions please as to what type of plants may be suit able, the soil is wet ! naturally stagnant,due to reasons beyond my control i should mention that moving the pond is not possible !
19 Nov, 2008
Is it possible to make some holes in the bottom of the pond liner before you fill it in? This would help with drainage when you want to plant it up. Choose bog garden plants such as candelabra Primulas, Lobelia 'Queen Victoria' or Juncus spiralis (twisted rush).
19 Nov, 2008
Whoops, I'ts already filled in.
My way of draining it now would be to drive a crowbar through the bottom in several places. The soil will smell and be denitrifying.
19 Nov, 2008
Hi Sarraceniac, it is in part shade, no testing has been done yet at this stage all that has been done is weed clearing ( from the edges of the pond ) nothing has been grown in the pond since it was filed in.
volunteer; I was thinking of puting some drainage holes in the centre, would astilbe be worth considering ?
19 Nov, 2008
Part shade is good. Part shade is very good for a bog garden.
Testing is easy. You can either buy a soil testing kit, which can cost a bit more than it is worth, from a g. centre or you can use the rough and ready method which is all you need. Get a red cabbage from your supermarket (a small one is fine, unless your family is large or Dutch).
1) Boil the cabbage slowly for an hour or so.
2) Pour off the water it was boiled in.
3) Let it cool.
4) Take half a pint or so.
5) Put a good handful of soil into it and shake.
6) Look at it. Red= very acid. Purple= slight acid. Blue tinge= alkaline.
Eat the cabbage with the Sunday joint with some apple sauce (even with beef) mixed into it.
19 Nov, 2008
john, I work in hotel great tip should not be a problem ! thanks.
19 Nov, 2008
Welcome to GoY.
Is it in sun, shade or part shade Gourmet?
Basically you are looking at a huge choice. Hostas, rushes, lilies, etc. But to advise we need to know about other growing conditions. I am assuming your soil is towards the acid? I hope so anyway. Don't let these questions put you off. Easy to determine if you don't know, but somewhat essential. Particularly for a bog garden.
19 Nov, 2008