By Doritk
United Kingdom
Every year I buy bags and bags of multi purpose soil, The next year I throw it away and buy bags more . Is there any other use I can put it to.
7 Jun, 2011
Absolutely spread all over your flower and/or veggie beds. If you don't have such then put on waste land in your area.
7 Jun, 2011
why dont you just put it in your shed if you dont want to use it? or as suggested dig into to the garden.
7 Jun, 2011
I think Dortik does use it Gerberavicki probably in pots and containers then doesn't know what to do with. If you are growing vegetables in containers you tend to use new compost every year.
8 Jun, 2011
If you really have no use for it why not offer it on one of the many free sites. I am sure somebody could find a use and collect it.
8 Jun, 2011
ill send you my address and you can send it to me cheers
8 Jun, 2011
I think you would need to collect Deckingman
8 Jun, 2011
If it has a low mineral content, spread it on your lawn, and keep those soil organisms happy.
11 Jun, 2011
If you have a garden, spread the spent compost over the flowerbeds and borders.
7 Jun, 2011