By Mikeharris
United Kingdom
My rhodendron bought last year flowering in a large pot, has no flowers this year, but loads of new growth?
7 Jun, 2011
Did you keep it well watered last summer when we had a drought? That's when the flower buds were forming for this year. If it was too dry they would either not form, or drop off, so no flowers this year. At least it's producing new leaves, so it's not dead - always a good sign. Try to get the watering right this time and it should do better next time. A weak feed of tomato food if you have any when watering in summer may help flowers form.
7 Jun, 2011
if it's still in the pot it probably need some ericaceous compost in semi shade as they are a forest/wood plant..
7 Jun, 2011
It's also possible that the extreme winter killed the flower buds.
11 Jun, 2011
Is it still in the pot, have you kept it fed, watered, in semi shade. If you planted it in the ground is the soil acidic to neutral all the other Q's apply.
7 Jun, 2011