By Zoostrel
Co Durham,
United Kingdom
Can i take cuttings off a hosta?,if so when and how is the best way to do it.
7 Jun, 2011
divide them, a little late but i have just done one of mine as it was so crowded i got four out of it (it was getting a bit pot bound). dig it out and divide with a sharp knife then replant and water well. they may look a bit sorry for themselves for a while but will perk up :-)
7 Jun, 2011
glad that you asked this question Zoostrel, as I have spotted a hosta in my daughter's new garden that would fit in well in my own, now I know what to do!
8 Jun, 2011
Thanks for the help moongrowe and gerberavicki,i will do this at the weekend,cheerz.
10 Jun, 2011
I'd recommend dividing the plant rather than cuttings.
7 Jun, 2011