By Brian12
can anyone tell me should i need florscent lights over my seedlings which have just germinated 2 days ago ..given thats its june ?
ive had great success using the lights all along but electricity bill got high .should i keep the light on untill they get true leaves at least or will they make it in their own ? thanks brian
8 Jun, 2011
flurescent lights tend to be the wrong type of light for good plant growth unless you buy the expensive tubes specifficaly for this.
personally I dont use lights.
8 Jun, 2011
Lacking artificial light, though, make sure that they get plenty of natural light, including at least 6 hours of direct sunlight for most plants. It's hard to recover stringy, floppy seedlings!
11 Jun, 2011
growth of seedlings seems to be very slow .when i used lights growth was alot faster.plenty of light in the greenhouse .the main reason i wanted to use natural light was to keep the bills down.ive noticed that stems of seedlings are abit elongated although not by much but enough to notice it.never had that problem under lights.there is buckets of light in the greenhouse so i dont know.i might supplement the lighting untill they get a pair of true leaves to make their own food then switch off.any further thoughts would be grateful.
11 Jun, 2011
You would need a good light meter to prove it, but fluorescent lights close to the seedlings--18 inches or so--will be brighter than a gray day in the greenhouse. Fluorescents of the right type also provide some ultraviolet, which is blocked by plexiglas greenhouse panes, and is important for the development of the supportive tissues of plants.
14 Jun, 2011
ive put the lights and allready an improvement in growth.twin fluorescent lights are 3 inches from a tray of 72 seedlings and are growng better definitely.light is made up of 1 cool and 1 warm .in the trays are 72 lavender (english) ,1 tray of 72 red pansy seedlings and another tray of 72 lavender.
15 Jun, 2011
All sun lovers, so that makes sense to me.
15 Jun, 2011
I've never used artificial lighting of any sort over seedlings.
8 Jun, 2011